Truth Avoiders

Truth Avoiders 

We are pretty active and read a lot of blogs. Here is a list of our favorite Truth Avoiders. That is, other bloggers who actively spread misinformation (which, is a pretty typical move of conservatives, republicans, and all cranks), but can't handle learning the truth and refuse to post our comments on their blogs.

List of Truth Avoiding Bloggers

BLOG: Whole New Mom
Her article: Could you go to jail for drinking raw milk? 

What did we post?
To Adrienne and all her readers:
Please stop spreading misinformation. Please stop believing in this crap. Please use your brains.
Crank Hater

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Well, hello! So glad you decided to leave a note! We read every single one of them and will definitely respond (and, please leave a link to your blog where you talk about liberal social issues so we can take a look!)

Fair warning, though...We enjoy a lively debate, so if you plan to leave a nasty message because you don't like what we said, please be prepared for a response. Also, make it intelligible, please.